Project one: Onboarding

Company: Common Surface
Project name: Self-serve onboarding process

Target Users

All new companies and users that have never used Common Surface before.

Use case

  1. As a user, I want to be able to sign up to Common Surface and take a look at the platform on my own so that I can see if this product is useful for me.

  2. As a new user in the company that is already using Common Surface, I want to join my team so that I can start deciding when it’s best to go into work.

Current Problem

The current design here does not cater for brand new customers because when they click “Don’t have an account?”, they will be led to book a demo with the sales team. We saw an 80% drop off once they clicked the link to a demo, and realised there is a missed opportunity there.

Also, users who were invited by their administrators would click on the link and try to book a demo. This would create users that end up as a new company instead of members of existing companies.


We believe that when error or a bad usability issue happening during a sign-up process will taint user’s relationship with the product and should be able to start using the product right away without hand-holding.

User flows

After observing onboarding flows from multiple different platforms, I created 3 different flows for each use case:

  1. Sign-up as a new company

  2. Invited user sign-up

  3. Existing user forgot password

New designs

Sign-up as a new company

Invited user sign-up

Existing user forgot password

Success metrics

  • 80% of onboarded self serve customers invite and activate 3 team members within 1 day

  • 5 new company sign-ups from June to December 2022

  • 92% decrease in number of bugs reported on invited user sign-up process


Reduce friction in the customer onboarding experience and enable companies to self serve to unlock product lead growth.

  • 70% of onboarded self serve customers invite and activate 3 team members within 1 day

  • At least 1 new company sign-up per month

Next steps

  • Work with Customer success team to create an onboarding checklist by understanding what activities create activation for current users

  • Think of potential use cases in the future, e.g. organisations with multiple domains

  • Iterate designs when required e.g. SSO flow - can we show users that are already on Chrome and logged in their own avatars for familiarity?